"Though the mountains and hills can topple, my love for you will never be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace will be removed." Isaiah 54:10
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Need a Hug?
Found this at Qing's website. The world could use more of this :)
Especially Asian countries like Singapore.
Back to my books :/
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Heart for a friend.
[ mood :
When trouble comes I trust in You,
For I know You will lead me through,
And i know You are faithful till the end..
And when the storms are drawing near,
When i'm with You i don't have to fear,
You're the shephard on whom I can depend..
Through the day,
Through the night,
I know You're always by my side..
I am not willing to give up on a friend just yet. We are not friends by chance. So let the angels take their swords and shield. And let the broken and wing hide under their wings. Day by day, on my knees i shall pray. For this time, He will save the day. He has saved. and he will save again.
It's a week to arise and build, and i felt the flurry arrows soaring to the towers that my comerades reside. It pretty reminds me in the seige of Helms Deep in Lord of the Rings. But just as the story goes, on the third day a light shall shine. A victory shall be made. No satans that rise against me shall prosper.
Lord You are always here with me,
There is no changing God in thee,
You are the same, yesterday,
And today and forevermore.
Here on Your promises I stand,
You hold my future in Your hands,
My Solid Rock, Almighty God
I worship You.
This is my battle-song. :)
I will protect My friends. Because Love always Protects. (1 Cor 13:7)
Call me foolish. But i believe for this friend too in this period. One of my best friend.
Love believes all things. (1 Cor 13:7, NASB)
What's all this rambling about ?
It's about this battle. And the wounded are not seen as flesh and blood. But as broken dreams and broken heart. I want to make a stand for them. That is to follow my leader. And to see all my friends in this battle safe. And to do that, i would need to cling on more to God. For God is love. And love never fails. (1 Cor 13:8)
My friends and i will pray.
When trouble comes I trust in You,
For I know You will lead me through,
And i know You are faithful till the end..
And when the storms are drawing near,
When i'm with You i don't have to fear,
You're the shephard on whom I can depend..
Through the day,
Through the night,
I know You're always by my side..
I am not willing to give up on a friend just yet. We are not friends by chance. So let the angels take their swords and shield. And let the broken and wing hide under their wings. Day by day, on my knees i shall pray. For this time, He will save the day. He has saved. and he will save again.
It's a week to arise and build, and i felt the flurry arrows soaring to the towers that my comerades reside. It pretty reminds me in the seige of Helms Deep in Lord of the Rings. But just as the story goes, on the third day a light shall shine. A victory shall be made. No satans that rise against me shall prosper.
Lord You are always here with me,
There is no changing God in thee,
You are the same, yesterday,
And today and forevermore.
Here on Your promises I stand,
You hold my future in Your hands,
My Solid Rock, Almighty God
I worship You.
This is my battle-song. :)
I will protect My friends. Because Love always Protects. (1 Cor 13:7)
Call me foolish. But i believe for this friend too in this period. One of my best friend.
Love believes all things. (1 Cor 13:7, NASB)
What's all this rambling about ?
It's about this battle. And the wounded are not seen as flesh and blood. But as broken dreams and broken heart. I want to make a stand for them. That is to follow my leader. And to see all my friends in this battle safe. And to do that, i would need to cling on more to God. For God is love. And love never fails. (1 Cor 13:8)
My friends and i will pray.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Cloak of Love
[ mood :
Lately i have been studying ... and well also playing single player rpg games at home :) (taking an advice from my little cousin =p). In games like this, you will stumble upon cool equipments like Cloaks of Fortification , Boots of Speed, Sword of Enlightenment, Nameless Light ( my favourite Bastard Sword with Great Enchantments against evil fowls) and bla bla bla.
Isn't it interersting if we have such equipments on Earth? Especially something like the boots of gospel, the shield of Faith, breastplate of Righteousness.. and something just as extraodinary.. the cloak of Love.
I read an interesting abstract (again!) from Max's - a love worth giving.
1 Corinthians 13:6-7
We hide. He seeks.
We bring sin. He brings a sacrifice.
We try fig leaves. He brings the robe of righteousness.
And we are left to sing the song of the prophet:
"He has covered me with clothes of salvation and wrapped me with a coat of goodness, like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding like a bride dressed in jewels"
(Isa. 61:10)
In the 1930s, Joe Wise was a young, single resident at Cook Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. Patients called him the "doctor with the rose." He made them smile by pinning a flower from bedside bouquets on his lab coat.
Madge, however, needed more than a smile. The automobile accident had left her leg nearly severed at the knee. She was young, beautiful, and very much afraid. When Joe spotted her in the ER, he did something he'd never done before.
Joe took his lab coat, bejeweled with the rose, and placed it gently over the young woman. As she was wheeled into the operating room, the coat was removed, but she asked to keep the flower. When she awoke from surgery, it was still in her hand. When I tell you that Madge never forgot Joe, you won't be surprised. When I tell you how she thanked him, you very well may be.
As Madge recovered, he paid visits to her room. Many visits. When he learned that she was engaged, he hung a "No Visitors" sign on her door so her fiance couldn't enter. Madge didn't object. Her diary reads, "I hope that handsome young doctor comes by to visit today." He did, that day, and many others, always with a rose. One a day until she was dismissed from the hospital.
And Madge never forgot. Her response? She gave him a rose in return. The next day she gave another. Then the next, another. As they started dating, the daily roses still came. When they married, she disn't stop giving them. Madge convinced the Colonial Golf Course across the street from her house to plant roses so she could guive the doctor his daily gift. For nearly forty years, every day - a rose. Their younger son, Harold, says he can't rememer a time when there wasn't a glass in the refrigerator contatining roses from his dad.
A cloak of love. A rose of gratitude.
Have you been given the first? Then take time to give the second.
Its a pretty nice love story from the book. But more to that, it has also taught me another nature of agape (love). Love is not proud. It does not keep records of wrongdoing, but always rejoices with the truth. and love .. it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Apart from this, it protects us.
The secret of staying loved is learning to give and receive it. Receive it from the source of it all. and giving it to the ones around us :)
Better than any Cloak of Protection [ with +5 enchantments :) ], or helmet of fortification in the game.. once worn, it changes your attitude towards others and your living of life. :)
Know of anyone who needs a cloak of love?
practical exam tmr! yay. dun wanna screw it tis time.. :)
Lately i have been studying ... and well also playing single player rpg games at home :) (taking an advice from my little cousin =p). In games like this, you will stumble upon cool equipments like Cloaks of Fortification , Boots of Speed, Sword of Enlightenment, Nameless Light ( my favourite Bastard Sword with Great Enchantments against evil fowls) and bla bla bla.
Isn't it interersting if we have such equipments on Earth? Especially something like the boots of gospel, the shield of Faith, breastplate of Righteousness.. and something just as extraodinary.. the cloak of Love.
I read an interesting abstract (again!) from Max's - a love worth giving.
1 Corinthians 13:6-7
We hide. He seeks.
We bring sin. He brings a sacrifice.
We try fig leaves. He brings the robe of righteousness.
And we are left to sing the song of the prophet:
"He has covered me with clothes of salvation and wrapped me with a coat of goodness, like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding like a bride dressed in jewels"
(Isa. 61:10)
In the 1930s, Joe Wise was a young, single resident at Cook Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. Patients called him the "doctor with the rose." He made them smile by pinning a flower from bedside bouquets on his lab coat.
Madge, however, needed more than a smile. The automobile accident had left her leg nearly severed at the knee. She was young, beautiful, and very much afraid. When Joe spotted her in the ER, he did something he'd never done before.
Joe took his lab coat, bejeweled with the rose, and placed it gently over the young woman. As she was wheeled into the operating room, the coat was removed, but she asked to keep the flower. When she awoke from surgery, it was still in her hand. When I tell you that Madge never forgot Joe, you won't be surprised. When I tell you how she thanked him, you very well may be.
As Madge recovered, he paid visits to her room. Many visits. When he learned that she was engaged, he hung a "No Visitors" sign on her door so her fiance couldn't enter. Madge didn't object. Her diary reads, "I hope that handsome young doctor comes by to visit today." He did, that day, and many others, always with a rose. One a day until she was dismissed from the hospital.
And Madge never forgot. Her response? She gave him a rose in return. The next day she gave another. Then the next, another. As they started dating, the daily roses still came. When they married, she disn't stop giving them. Madge convinced the Colonial Golf Course across the street from her house to plant roses so she could guive the doctor his daily gift. For nearly forty years, every day - a rose. Their younger son, Harold, says he can't rememer a time when there wasn't a glass in the refrigerator contatining roses from his dad.
A cloak of love. A rose of gratitude.
Have you been given the first? Then take time to give the second.
Its a pretty nice love story from the book. But more to that, it has also taught me another nature of agape (love). Love is not proud. It does not keep records of wrongdoing, but always rejoices with the truth. and love .. it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Apart from this, it protects us.
The secret of staying loved is learning to give and receive it. Receive it from the source of it all. and giving it to the ones around us :)
Better than any Cloak of Protection [ with +5 enchantments :) ], or helmet of fortification in the game.. once worn, it changes your attitude towards others and your living of life. :)
Know of anyone who needs a cloak of love?
practical exam tmr! yay. dun wanna screw it tis time.. :)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
[ mood :
Sigh. Today so much things just run through my mind ... and it really ruined my whole morning. and i just feel so lonely. especially at night. well .. should a guy mutter away like this.. this way ? i mean i should be caring about more important stuffs .. but all my vision .. and focus is just not there.
I see a big high wall and bruised legs.

i need an elevator.
Sigh. Today so much things just run through my mind ... and it really ruined my whole morning. and i just feel so lonely. especially at night. well .. should a guy mutter away like this.. this way ? i mean i should be caring about more important stuffs .. but all my vision .. and focus is just not there.
I see a big high wall and bruised legs.
i need an elevator.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
[ mood :
todays' a nice day. i woke up for once this week not feeling stress or worried. had plenty of sleep. thank God for the sumptuous rest i get today.
made a toast in the morning. told myself its going to be a beautiful day no matter what. and i ate my toast. watched the online service for awhile and played my guitar, my dear for awhile. She din sound really good this morning i guess but she still makes my heart sing when i am with her.
went out in the afternoon to accompany a friend to buy a new guitar. It's a pretty small-build guitar with rosewood and 'reinforced glass' (im not sure if it's called that. it gives the guitar a good shine look but it 'destroys' the sound according to my friend). Nevertheless it does sound quite good and the bundle packet of the accoustic guitar (with build-in plug) and amplifier cost around 299. It's a pretty good bargain for the mid-range sound it gives. I'm sure my friend likes it.
We parted ways a hour later and i went to esplanade alone to study. Its really nice there b'cos i like the scenery there. Won't say i study much there but i'm sure i enjoyed studying there more than in my messy room at home. There's this trumpet team in the library that spices the atmosphere up quite abit during my study session. quite happy to be there.
Then as i went down to watch a group of chinese musicians playing pipa, gu-zhen and another 2 don't-know-what-that's-called intruments at the concourse. quite interesting. dad vincent called me and 'commanded' me down to join them at suntec when they knew i was alone there. They treat me my very first crystal jade noodles and a bowl of crystal jade herbal chicken soup. i really like the herbal soup and the noodles are really extraordinarily nice. 2 thumbs up (dad n mom likes to do that too). and then they brought me to Anderson's ice cream stall and i ate my very first Anderson's strawberry and cream ice-cream there. It sure tastes different from Mac's 50c ice cream.
I think this year's pretty much better compared to last year. well at least i am not badly scolded on my birthday..
I asked Jesus today what's so special about today? Why do people treat me so nice just today? Why does my heart yearns so much to have a good time with others?
I don't think that's really necessary. but Jesus did. somehow i think that's what he's trying to tell me tonight. if everyone else needs a treat of kindness .. Jason needs a cup too. i planned to get some normal ice-cream treats from the supermarket tonight. Jesus went a step ahead and gave me something better... something more extravagant.
Love is kind. (1 Cor 13:4)
He's more than a saviour. He's my best friend :)
Thanks Jesus.
and thank you everyone for your birthday greetings & gifts.
todays' a nice day. i woke up for once this week not feeling stress or worried. had plenty of sleep. thank God for the sumptuous rest i get today.
made a toast in the morning. told myself its going to be a beautiful day no matter what. and i ate my toast. watched the online service for awhile and played my guitar, my dear for awhile. She din sound really good this morning i guess but she still makes my heart sing when i am with her.
went out in the afternoon to accompany a friend to buy a new guitar. It's a pretty small-build guitar with rosewood and 'reinforced glass' (im not sure if it's called that. it gives the guitar a good shine look but it 'destroys' the sound according to my friend). Nevertheless it does sound quite good and the bundle packet of the accoustic guitar (with build-in plug) and amplifier cost around 299. It's a pretty good bargain for the mid-range sound it gives. I'm sure my friend likes it.
We parted ways a hour later and i went to esplanade alone to study. Its really nice there b'cos i like the scenery there. Won't say i study much there but i'm sure i enjoyed studying there more than in my messy room at home. There's this trumpet team in the library that spices the atmosphere up quite abit during my study session. quite happy to be there.
Then as i went down to watch a group of chinese musicians playing pipa, gu-zhen and another 2 don't-know-what-that's-called intruments at the concourse. quite interesting. dad vincent called me and 'commanded' me down to join them at suntec when they knew i was alone there. They treat me my very first crystal jade noodles and a bowl of crystal jade herbal chicken soup. i really like the herbal soup and the noodles are really extraordinarily nice. 2 thumbs up (dad n mom likes to do that too). and then they brought me to Anderson's ice cream stall and i ate my very first Anderson's strawberry and cream ice-cream there. It sure tastes different from Mac's 50c ice cream.
I think this year's pretty much better compared to last year. well at least i am not badly scolded on my birthday..
I asked Jesus today what's so special about today? Why do people treat me so nice just today? Why does my heart yearns so much to have a good time with others?
I don't think that's really necessary. but Jesus did. somehow i think that's what he's trying to tell me tonight. if everyone else needs a treat of kindness .. Jason needs a cup too. i planned to get some normal ice-cream treats from the supermarket tonight. Jesus went a step ahead and gave me something better... something more extravagant.
Love is kind. (1 Cor 13:4)
He's more than a saviour. He's my best friend :)
Thanks Jesus.
and thank you everyone for your birthday greetings & gifts.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Birthday Wishlist.
[ mood :

crossing over to 20 soon :)
In a few days time its my bday!!
My wishlist:
Spiritual Blessings
1) To draw closer to God and be a great man of God
2) To be a more efficient and learned usher and CG helper
3) Have spiritual gifts and fruits! Especially Patience, hope, Faith, love and fruits of long-suffering and gifts of healing.
Material Blessings.
4) Get a nice looking Jacket that fits well on me (good to look smart! ).
5) Nice looking Smart-cauals. (my clothes are very o-biang -__-)
6) Interesting and enriching books. [From Chris Tomlin, John Bevere, Lee Strobel, Max Lucado .. would be good ;) ]
7) DVDs of hillsong Praise and Worship sessions.
Relationship Blessings
8) Find more friends (kakis) that can spend more quality time together
9) Be a better communicator.
10) Get to know 1 or 2 more Future friends (as put by Rev Robb Thompson)/Intimate Friends (as put by Dr A.R. Bernard).
Other Blessings
11) Improve my guitar playing skills!!
12) To do well for my 'A' levels.
13) To know and spend more fruitful time with my parents. *newly added :)*
(ok need to go to camp le in a rush. aha. )
crossing over to 20 soon :)
In a few days time its my bday!!
My wishlist:
Spiritual Blessings
1) To draw closer to God and be a great man of God
2) To be a more efficient and learned usher and CG helper
3) Have spiritual gifts and fruits! Especially Patience, hope, Faith, love and fruits of long-suffering and gifts of healing.
Material Blessings.
4) Get a nice looking Jacket that fits well on me (good to look smart! ).
5) Nice looking Smart-cauals. (my clothes are very o-biang -__-)
6) Interesting and enriching books. [From Chris Tomlin, John Bevere, Lee Strobel, Max Lucado .. would be good ;) ]
7) DVDs of hillsong Praise and Worship sessions.
Relationship Blessings
8) Find more friends (kakis) that can spend more quality time together
9) Be a better communicator.
10) Get to know 1 or 2 more Future friends (as put by Rev Robb Thompson)/Intimate Friends (as put by Dr A.R. Bernard).
Other Blessings
11) Improve my guitar playing skills!!
12) To do well for my 'A' levels.
13) To know and spend more fruitful time with my parents. *newly added :)*
(ok need to go to camp le in a rush. aha. )
Monday, October 02, 2006
[ mood :
Study Session with Turtle

Kids Art on - Giving.
guess who met along the way?

Terrance, working in Mrs Fields ! :)

and Pearline :)

tasty treats by terrance. (he also gave us cookies!)

sweet victory.
Study Session with Sis Hui Meng.
Now guess who we met this time?

The Expo Cat. I shall call her .. Feel :) (sounds like JianKun's dog Phil :P)

she loves to be scratched.

cleaning up

-_- (cats are probably the author of this overused online experession)

lookin at Sis Hui Meng.


Sis Hui Meng's favourite pic. :) Feel is so adorable.
My study sessions are so full of surprises.
Talking about Feel. She is probably one of the most adorable and affectionate stray cat i've ever seen! You might have notice by now.. that this poor little cat lost a right eye. Nevertheless she is very affectionate and she will come over to you and start licking yr hand. She also loves to rub her head and body on you. That's why i call her feel! and ya she really really loves attention. And well she has no problem getting it from both of us :)
Ushers Night out.

Van trip to Bedok for dinner/supper.
That's all my week in a nutshell.
currently: Feeling really unmotivated to study. felt quite lousy at times. but, just gotta press on.
All the way! 23 more days to my practicals..
Study Session with Turtle
Kids Art on - Giving.
guess who met along the way?
Terrance, working in Mrs Fields ! :)
and Pearline :)
tasty treats by terrance. (he also gave us cookies!)
sweet victory.
Study Session with Sis Hui Meng.
Now guess who we met this time?
The Expo Cat. I shall call her .. Feel :) (sounds like JianKun's dog Phil :P)
she loves to be scratched.
cleaning up
-_- (cats are probably the author of this overused online experession)
lookin at Sis Hui Meng.
Sis Hui Meng's favourite pic. :) Feel is so adorable.
My study sessions are so full of surprises.
Talking about Feel. She is probably one of the most adorable and affectionate stray cat i've ever seen! You might have notice by now.. that this poor little cat lost a right eye. Nevertheless she is very affectionate and she will come over to you and start licking yr hand. She also loves to rub her head and body on you. That's why i call her feel! and ya she really really loves attention. And well she has no problem getting it from both of us :)
Ushers Night out.
Van trip to Bedok for dinner/supper.
That's all my week in a nutshell.
currently: Feeling really unmotivated to study. felt quite lousy at times. but, just gotta press on.
All the way! 23 more days to my practicals..
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