[ personal ramblings ]This week's a pretty cool week.. not the weather :) .. it was fun and well tiring of course. Weekdays are pretty back to normal now since i am no longer giving tuition
(ahhh no more extra income T_T) and i seldom jam with my NSmates or Guitar class students.. So everyday is ... NS NS NS NS NS home .. play/rest ... try to study... knockout on de table.. and poof another day. Feels like a routine drill everyday.
Just this week, i've just realised one of my usher mates might be leaving church. Well i was really sad when i get to know about it ... not because i am losing a team-mate in ministry.. but i am losing a good nice friend. He's a pretty friendly and helpful chap... though shy sometimes.. but i can sense his great heart. I'm not sure what he's being through .. but well if your reading this .. just know that i'll be there for you man! Don't carry the burden or situations yourself.. you've still got us .. :)
Well ... i wanna keep this entry short. But i do wanna share about some of the amazing things i learn over the 'Making Marriage Work' series
(for couples, couples-to-be, or parents) in church. It may seem like a very irrevelant subject for youngsters but well .. i am sure those who attended will beg to differ... I've always wondered how i'll be like next time i am a husband of a very beautiful wife.. and the life we might had have.
Ps Kong warm us up with a series of marriage jokes that well ... i went to take a look at it again.. ha here's it =P :
Marriage is not a word. It is a sentence--a life sentence.Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore, marriage is an institution for the blind.Marriage is a 3 ring circus :1) The Engagement Ring2) The Wedding Ring3) The Suffe-RingMarried life is full of excitement and frustration:In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.well you get the idea.Is marriage that bad?? well i dunno. But just to say.. i lived in my granny's place. and you know when my uncles and aunties date .. i'll be the little lightbulb that follows around :P? well as a kid, they brought me out together when they date. and i've the priveledge to see how their marriage work .. or what they have been through as a couple. Thank God that all my aunts and uncles are still happily married together now! :)
If marriage is such a painful issue .. why marry? Hmm that's a pretty big question today huh? Every divorcee would chalk out their woes. But as a matter of fact, i strongly agree with what Ps Kong shared at the introductory lesson in the service ... That if you are married .. you got to stay committed no matter what happens. Even if you've found out of the new monstrous side of yr spouce you never knew b4 marriage!
And you know what that means for me :) ? i'm gonna find the right one to go through it with!! I know it cannot be perfect ... but it has to be the right one that only through
"times" you can really know if it is... That's why it's so important not to rush into relationship..
Ps Kong shared about the
8 general purposes of Marriage.
1) Marriage is for companionship.( to many .. it's a human need.)2) Marriage is for Character Refining.( i so agree with this. More than just patience and acceptance. It shapes you out of selfishness.)3) Marriage is for Completeness.( this goes back to the beginning of times. in bible. gen 2:21-24)4) Marriage for a new union.( 2 becomes 1. you are seen together as one.)5) Marriage is for commitment.( Marriage demands fidelity )6) Marriage is for pleasure.(talk about the romance in it. there still is.. )7) Marriage is for procreation.( sounds like a ISO qualification b4 your wife is legally allowed to shoot babies out :P )8) Marriage is for intimacy.(not only the physical.. the emotional, the intellectual, the spiritual and financial - intimacy as well. )and he very well defined marriage as a Covenant. It's pretty interesting because i've read a book about covenant before. A covenant relationship is very different from a contract. Because in a Covenant, there must be total unbreakable commitment. It is a seldom used word because of the strong permanent bonds that is forged when initiated. The cool thing about a covenant is it is totally "not system-centred"
(ok this is my own opinion now..) Because basically comaparing it with how the contract works or any other bond systems .. it is not limited by conditions or rules. It is just simply a
true bond. The other cool thing is that it is filled with promises that are meant to be fulfilled by partners involved. The strongest type of covenant is the blood Covenant - Because the signature of it is the shedding of a blood. The Cross/Messaic Covenant is an example of how Jesus shared his blood for our sins to redeem us. Well this is just an example.. And a marriage is probably a blood covenant too. A thing that i am not sure is that .. are all covenants - blood covenants? hmm this is alittle food for thought.. ha.
Well okok i tell you ar .. this Marriage semniar is really cool. If you can come and hear it. Our whole service was jam-packed in the last 2 services. Really makes ushers busy.. :)
Well i shall share one last thing!
I GRADUATED from Guitar Intermediate Class!!!! yahooooooooo~well actually all of us did la. ha not a really big deal. But just to share that through these 10 weeks
(maybe got +1 secret lesson .. lol) course.. i've learnt so much from the instructors and my fellow guitar-mate though .. as a newbie guitarist that has just started playing for cg .. i really struggled. But above all thanks for showing me support and not throwing tomatoes and bananas at me face when i mis-cue.. so by any chance .. i know that i did not perform up to standard in my last 2 assessments (
in fact really screwed up my previous one. This one was alittle much better). I hope that this experience will draw me to be a better guitarist to inspire millions of pple. lol
. yay.Pictures time folks :)
it's turtle's bday!!! happy Birthday turtle!
yay~ ha. so fun to celebrate.
The couple. :) It's Jessica's birthday too yesterday. :)
i took wif cute lil lerrisa b4 cg too. :)
Class Celebration! Gift for our Instructor - Bro James! :)
He's so funny .. lol. We got a shirt and a 'million dollar card' for him :)
*touched* :) ha.
you can play guiar anot?? this is your score.. (Kel playin the Dick Lee impersonation in Guitar idol.. lol)
These are my fellow guitarmates :). They are all cool pple!
Graduation... feast @ pastamania! :Di'll improve my guitar! and do well for my A's! :)